For example, in the terminal, I typed: rdesktop However, this came back with the following error: autoselected keyboard map en-us. ERROR:: unable to connect. Download saint seiya hades chapter inferno sub indo Rick ross port of miami zip.

Rdesktop Autoselected Keyboard Map En-us Error Unable To Connect

Rdesktop Autoselected Keyboard Map En-us Error Unable To Connect

Dear rdesktop, I really, really need this fixed as soon as possible. It has knocked out my ability to do remote support of several customer's sites. I first verified I could log in with xfreerdp. Names and addresses changed to protect the guilty. $ RDESKTOP_DEBUG=Proto rdesktop -u 'yyyyyyy' -g 92%% -a 16 -r printer:B4350='HP LaserJet IIP' -r printer:Cups-PDF -r disk:MyLocalDrive=/home/temp -r clipboard:CLIPBOARD aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd:xxx PRINTER PRN1 to B4350 driver HP LaserJet IIP PRINTER PRN2 to Cups-PDF driver MS Publisher Imagesetter share name MyLocalDrive truncated to MyLocal Autoselected keyboard map en-us Failed to negotiate protocol, retrying with plain RDP. ERROR: recv: Connection reset by peer.